

    Kształt 1

    Wymiennikownia is an innovative space where we offer workshops and support your own events. It is also a place where life of the local youth community goes on. Here young people can develop their hobbies, meet people with common interests, and share ideas.

    Why is it important for us? Activities outside school and work positively influence creativity, confidence and teamwork skills. They help to relax, to cross your own borders and to deal with everyday challenges. Classes, workshops and events offered by Wymiennikownia are provided on the peer-to-peer basis.

    In building Wymiennikownia the local government of Gdynia follows an idea of a place fully created and managed by its participants – youth.  The innovation is a local policy which consists in encouraging residents to design their own common space where they would participate in social relations based on the principles of sharing and various ways of social capital “exchange”. Wymiennikownia invites everyone at the age of 13 to 35 to participate free of charge and to build and maintain relationship in non-formal groups. 

    The asset of Wyminnikownia is the participants’ resources. Minimum  of formalities (participant card, attendance list), maximum of non-formal impact. There are no diagnoses or case studies. Each member of WM contributes something he or she deems valuable, concentrates on his or her own skills and tries to develop them.

    Wymiennikownia is a modern place of 300 square metres. There are two floors, one of which is equipped for the needs of people with disabilities. Additionally, the space features a common kitchen and bathrooms.

    Wymiennikownia was designed by youth in cooperation with designers who took into account young people’s ideas about the place and activities which could be held here.

    Participation in WM is voluntary. Young people from Gdynia and the surrounding area got a place where they can develop themselves, expand their competencies, make friends and test their ideas and passions free of charge.

    It’s worth mentioning the staff of Wymiennikownia. They are young people who easily build lasting bonds with the participants. These relationships are based on the principles of cooperation and trust which results in development and benefits for both sides. The staff are open to new activities, show commitment and provide assistance in creating an offer that, due to its nature, is dynamic and diverse. 

    As the Youth Centre of Social Innovation and Design, Wymiennikownia fully satisfies expectations of young people and lets them constantly develop. The activities are focused on the future and work with new generations of Gdynia residents.

    Wymiennikownia offers weekly classes (dancehall, breakdance, k-pop, painting, karate, etc.) and takes care of current needs of youth as well as informs about festivals and themed events organized in the city space.

    Droga Użytkowniczko, Drogi Użytkowniku portalu internetowego wymiennikownia.org

    Uprzejmie informujemy, że od 25 maja 2018 r. obowiązuje tzw. RODO, czyli Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE. Nowe prawo wprowadza zmiany w zasadach regulujących przetwarzanie danych osobowych.

    Szczegółowe zapisy znajdziesz w nowej polityce prywatności portalu internetowego www.gdyniaodnowa.pl. Jednocześnie informujemy, że Państwa dane są przetwarzane w sposób bezpieczny, z należytą starannością i zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami.